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Common software in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2022-05-28Updated:2022-05-28
Similar words: simulation softwarePublic Domain Softwaresoftwaresoftware toolsoftware housebeta softwaresoftware testbudget software
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1. Skillfully use computer and common software.
2. This control is automated by making it a common software requirement for all HR systems.
3. WF solves another type of common software problem where a software application is written once and applied to many end customers.
4. The associated simulation with the common software of computer aided design in the automotive design is of great reference value for the future research.
5. The VPR is common software for the FPGA placement and routing. It puts forward a comprehensive method of FPGA placement and routing solution. Simulated annealing algorithm is applied to VPR.
6. Especially, this paper analyze the common software design model of NP, they are task pipeline model and thread pool model, and gives the advantages and disadvantages individually.
7. Boeing today announced the successful demonstration of a common software application that can support the space and ground segments of the Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT).
8. WordPress and Pligg are but two common software packages powering high-volume Web sites.
9. Three common software for example are evaluated in the end.
10. Chapter five compares the method with the common software testing and discusses the concept, basic knowledge and language of FormalMethods.
11. Common software of reliability was introduced with an example of the using process.
12. Computer Tools-Software's can be classified in copyright as common software, business software, share software and free software.
13. Based on the analysis of the common software architecture, a high performance software architecture using the technology of Zero-Copy and buffer pool is proposed and realized.
14. It turned out it was more than just common software projects; a lot of people used their computers in similar ways.
15. A software platform is a common software stack that is used for developing multiple products.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
16. This network - based design solves not only the common software development problem but also the statistic problem.
17. In this paper, using the network nodal method, we analyse the circuit model of practical semiconductor laser diode(LD)module in details for the first time, and set up the common software.
18. In order to cut costs, many output Center use of common software and consumables.
19. Basically, it represents the realization and refinement of a common software development best practice: the daily build and smoke test.
20. In addition, the managed environment of the runtime eliminates many common software issues.
21. But, in my experience, roughly comparable AMD and Intel processors and chip sets are equally compatible with common software like Office and Windows.
More similar words: simulation softwarePublic Domain Softwaresoftwaresoftware toolsoftware housebeta softwaresoftware testbudget softwaresoftware piracysystem softwaresoftware supportsupport softwaresoftware systemsoftware programsoftware productcomputer softwaresoftware packageutility softwaresoftware licensesystems softwareembedded softwaresoftware engineergraphics softwarebusiness softwareportable softwareIntegrated softwaresoftware simulationsoftware engineeringproprietary softwarestatistical software
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